1. Get this Picture Hanging Kit (available on Amazon)
  2. Place the wire on the back of your framed art onto the center hook of the picture hanging tool
  3. Position the framed art where you'd like it. (Use the best practices below to determine how far to place it in relation to other objects on the wall)
  4. Remove the framed art from the tool
  5. Press down on the center hook button to mark the spot
  6. Use the included hardware to hang your frame
  7. Level the frame with the picture hanging tool
  8. Enjoy the view

Best Practices:

The center of your artwork should be roughly 60" from the floor.

If hanging artwork above furniture, such as a couch or bed, the bottom of your frame should be 8-10" from the top of your furniture. Don't worry, it’s okay to trust your instincts on what looks balanced, too.

If hanging frames together to form a gallery wall, we recommend positioning frames 3" apart on all sides.

    We’d love to see your framed artwork IRL—tag us (#loupeIRL) for a chance to be featured. 
    Instagram: @loupe_art

    April 20, 2023